In Popping Pinks and Grassy Greens, Solar Storms Light Up Northern Dutchess Skies, as Readers Share Their Photos

Northern Lights potentially visible Thursday night in Tompkins County area

aurora borealis

ITHACA, N.Y. — On Thursday night, Ithaca may be greeted by a rare geomagnetic spectacle, potentially showing residents the Northern Lights and bringing possible impacts to critical infrastructure technology. 

A solar flare erupted from the sun Tuesday evening and arrived to Earth at 11:15 a.m. Thursday. The latest predictions anticipate the storm will go on until Friday, according to the NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Those interested in viewing the Northern Lights will have the best chance overnight from Thursday to Friday, though it will depend on weather conditions at the time.  

The flare that erupted Tuesday was rated as X-class, the strongest category of flare. 

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) accompanied the solar flare, sending “solar material and embedded magnetic fields” hurtling through space and toward the Earth, said Shawn Dahl, the service coordinator for the SWPC. 

The sun is nearing its peak level of activity during the 11-year solar cycle, a period generally marked by an increased number of sunspots during which the sun experiences more solar flares and more CMEs. Last May, the Earth was hit by a historic geomagnetic storm, causing auroras to be visible as far south as Florida, but Dahl does not think Thursday’s storm will get this strong. 

Regardless, Thursday’s CME may prove strong enough to paint the night sky with the glow released by molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere. The molecules are excited by the energetic electrons brought here by the storm. When these molecules relax, they glow, Hysell said. 

For the best opportunity of catching a glimpse of the light show, Ithaca residents may want to travel southwest to avoid the less stable air northeast of the city, said meteorologist and Ithaca Voice development reporter Brian Crandall. 

For ideal conditions, residents will also want to avoid places with light pollution and too much foliage, he said. 

The aurora may be visible as far south as Alabama and northern California, but with the advances in smartphone photo technology, people have been able to readily see the red aurora much farther south than previously.

Geomagnetic storms are measured on a scale from G1-G5. Since arriving this morning, the storm’s intensity has been observed at G4, but there’s a slight chance the strength will increase to G5, according to the SWPC.

At this level of intensity, the storm could not only pose problems to the power grid, but also for spacecraft operations, radio communications and GPS. Passengers and crew high altitude airplanes flying through polar latitudes may also be exposed to solar radiation. As of Thursday afternoon, there’s a 40% chance of a strong to extreme radio blackout, according to the SWPC.

To reach Earth, this CME traveled 93 million miles, crashing into the Earth at one and a half million miles per hour. Luckily for humans and all other living beings on Earth, the planet is very good at shielding life from the impact of solar storms, said professor David L. Hysell, who studies ionospheric plasma physics at Cornell University. 

“At the same time, humanity has gotten much better with making its systems resilient to phenomena like what’s taking place today,” Hysell said.

However, if the storm is sufficiently intense, Hysell said there’s a possibility it could blow out transformers, though it is more likely that it will just trip breakers.

That being said, alerts have been raised in the wake of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton because the geomagnetic storm has the potential to put increased stress on the region’s already precarious grid and communications system. 

“We’ve already been engaged with FEMA. […] This time, with all the hurricane relief efforts going on and the inbound hurricane going into Florida and across the peninsula, we found it prudent to immediately contact them now,” Dahl said during SWPC’s Wednesday night presentation.

This Monday, a less severe G3 geomagnetic storm hit Earth. As far as SWPC knows, the storm had no significant impacts to communication when it came to hurricane response.

If residents choose to stay up until midnight and chase the lights out into the country, Hysell suggests avoiding self-driving cars because the storm may impact the vehicle’s positioning system.

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Dozens rally in support of Black farmer as neighbor charged with hate crime

This story contains crude language, including racist, sexist and homophobic slurs.

CAROLINE, N.Y. — About a hundred people gathered at the Caroline Town Court Monday evening in support of local Black farmer, educator and business owner, Amanda David.

Dozens of David’s supporters packed into the old white wooden courthouse, with more still spilling out into the hall and onto the building’s steps. As the court’s small parking lot and adjoining field filled, parked cars began to line the streets of Slaterville Springs.

The crowd was there to witness the arraignment of David’s neighbor and Brooktondale resident Robert Whittaker Jr. on hate crime charges and contempt of court.

Court filings and other documents reviewed by The Ithaca Voice indicate a pattern of threats, harassment and vandalism targeting David and her children that has played out over the last three years. 

Of the documented incidents reviewed by the Voice, Whittaker, who is white, frequently used racist, sexist and homophobic slurs and language.

“I just did not feel safe or comfortable outside. At any point [if I went] outside, I would be yelled at, my kids would be yelled at,” David said. “My daughter won’t go outside alone. Everyone carries their phone at all times [in case they need to] to record [an incident.]”

Late last year, Whittaker was convicted of harassment and is currently under a two-year restraining order. However, David said that has not deterred her neighbor, who she said continued to yell at her family when outside even after that court date

David said the verbal harassment against her and her children occurs on a near daily basis, sometimes for extended periods of time.

The conflict is also the subject of a separate federal civil rights lawsuit, which David filed in May.

Monday’s charges relate to an incident on Feb. 17, when Whittaker allegedly shot a pellet gun over the fence at David’s security light. An investigator with the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office found a ricochet mark and set of footprints in the snow suggesting Whittaker fired the shot. At the time, Whittaker had already been convicted of harassment and was under a restraining order.

Whittaker was charged Monday with fourth-degree stalking, which was designated as a hate crime. He was also charged with second-degree criminal contempt for violating the orders of protection placed against him. Both charges are misdemeanors.

He will be held in the Tompkins County Jail without bail until his next court date on Oct. 21, a clerk told The Ithaca Voice.

Amanda David, pictured at her farm.

The conflict began in 2021, shortly after David moved onto the nearly 1.4 acre property abutting Whittaker’s, which she later purchased.

David said she felt the conflict ratcheted up in intensity after she opted to put up a fence along the property line. She said prior to the fence, Whittaker would frequently come onto her property, sometimes making rude comments and at one point shooting at a chipmunk while her family was in the yard.

Contacted at his property before Monday’s arraignment, Whittaker would not elaborate on the situation from his perspective.

“I’m the one who’s been harassed here, that’s all I have to say,” Whittaker said.

He declined to comment further and said he wants his lawyers to handle the rest. 

Syed Omar Shah, Whittaker’s lawyer in the separate, federal civil case, did not respond to an interview request but offered a brief emailed statement.

“When everyone hears the facts in the courtroom, they will realize that this is a neighborhood dispute and not a hate crime,” Shah wrote.

Multiple attempts by Whittaker’s legal team to have the federal case dismissed have so far been unsuccessful.

On Feb. 14, Whittaker told sheriff’s deputies that he “feels harassed because the police have been called on him so many times” and that there “had been ongoing issues with David since she moved in.”

The incident with the pellet gun occurred just days after.

David provided several cell phone videos to The Ithaca Voice documenting Whittaker’s conduct towards her and her family. 

In one clip from October 2022, Whittaker walks towards David shouting profanities and a racial slur. In an Aug. 22, 2023 clip, Whittaker can be seen yelling at her from her driveway.

“Go ahead, call the cops, you stupid f*cking stupid c*nt,” Whittaker said in the video. “You’re the worst f*cking thing to happen to the f*cking neighborhood. Used to be a nice little spot before you f*cking handouts came around.”

In an incident report from Aug. 28, 2023, a Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office investigator describes Whittaker as inebriated and notes that his anger towards David was fueled by “what sounded to be racism.”

“Whittaker continued to state that there were ‘three types of people in this world: whites, colored people and [f*gg*t-ass n*gg*rs],’” the sheriff’s report reads. “He then conveyed that he believed David was of the third grouping he described.”

Whittaker had posted signs in windows facing David’s property that read “No knotheads needed,” “No rain-bows [sic] needed” and “No freak-farm needed,” among others, according to photos reviewed by The Ithaca Voice.

David used to offer agriculture and ethnobotany workshops on her property as part of her business, Rootwork Herbals. She said she founded the business to offer botany and agricultural programming more inclusive to Black, brown, queer and trans people.

“It’s been extraordinarily hard,” David said. “It’s negatively impacted my work in pretty serious ways. People who have come out for events or things have been yelled at while they’re in the garden. […] We usually hold retreats and workshops and stuff, but I canceled all of those for this year just because it didn’t feel safe to have people out.”

Her property is also host to a community garden that aims to primarily serve Black, Indigenous and other people of color. 

“It was meant to be a safe, healing place for [Black, indigenous and people of color] to come together in nature and learn about gardening and herbalism and make medicine and build community,” David said.

The two properties are located in a census tract where 84.4% of residents identified as “white alone” in the most recent census. In Tompkins County overall, white residents make up an estimated 72.5% of the population.

As of Monday’s hearing, Whittaker now has yet another order of protection against him. It is at least the fourth such order granted by the Caroline Town Court, federal court filings show.

Police incident reports show Whittaker has on several occasions engaged in behavior that would likely violate the previous restraining orders. David said the verbal harassment, which is explicitly prohibited in the restraining order, has continued on an almost daily basis. 

In an interview following the arraignment, David, upon learning that Whittaker would likely be detained until Oct. 21, appeared astonished.

“Oh my god,” David said. “Oh my god. I am finally going to be able to sleep at night. I’m going to sleep. I’m going to frolic in my yard.”

David said it was a relief to hear the town judge reject the argument that Whittaker was not a physical threat to her safety. Nevertheless, she said she still plans to sell her property and relocate her family and business, as Whittaker has not been deterred by past legal action.

“I feel like I’ll have respite and relief that I haven’t had in years, just for a minute,” David said. “But yes, I’m still gonna go forward with moving. It’s not like he’s gonna be [in jail] forever.”

David has amassed considerable community support. A crowdsourced fundraiser set up to help David purchase and move onto a new property has raised $130,639 and has over 1,300 individual donors — several prominent Ithaca leaders among them.

The overwhelming response to David’s case is the latest in what has been a flurry of attention on harassment targeting Tompkins County’s Black community. Members of an anti-racist community group recently organized by local pastor Peaches Gillette were well represented in the crowd, along with a number of current and former local elected officials.

David said she has also been in meetings with State Senator Lea Webb, Tompkins County Sheriff Derek Osborne and Tompkins County District Attorney Matthew Van Houten on the matter.

After the brief arraignment, David’s supporters filtered out of the courtroom in a jovial mood. Some carried signs, others wore buttons. Someone produced a tray of cupcakes — the arraignment also happened to coincide with the birthday of a child who attended the rally. 

The group sang “Happy Birthday” to the toddler on the steps of the courthouse as Whittaker was escorted out through a side door in handcuffs. He was accompanied by his lawyer and law enforcement officers.

The post Dozens rally in support of Black farmer as neighbor charged with hate crime appeared first on The Ithaca Voice.

A community college promises a rural county it ‘hasn’t been left to die’

Editor’s note: This article was produced with support from the Education Writers Association Reporting Fellowship program.

In a state full of rural, tucked away corners, Lincoln County is one of Montana’s most rural and tucked away.

The county of 20,000 people is located in the state’s far northwest corner, bordering Canada and Idaho’s panhandle. Its communities are dotted around the Kootenai National Forest, whose 2.2 million acres of firs, pines, spruces and towering mountains define the craggy landscape.

Libby, the county seat of 3,100 residents, is 69 miles from Eureka, the county’s second-biggest city of 1,500 residents.

Lincoln County is rural and rugged, forged by industry and ecology and steeped in a complicated history of extraction, exploitation and economic struggle. It is a place where everyone knows someone who knows your cousin — a place where the future is still being dug out of the past. 

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Montana’s changing economy is palpable in Lincoln County, where formidable mills and mines once powered its small towns. The area used to be a historic powerhouse of timber and vermiculite production before shifts in the natural resource economy in the 1990s and 2000s marked the closure of nearly every local timber plant and Libby’s vermiculite mine, leaving thousands unemployed.

At the vermiculite mine, workers for decades were exposed to deadly asbestos fibers that killed hundreds, and trains carrying asbestos products blew toxic chemicals across town. As of 2021, 694 Libby residents had died of asbestos related diseases. The mine’s owner, the W.R. Grace Company, kept workers in the dark about the dangers of asbestos exposure.

It is under the shadow of the shuttered mills and mines that Lincoln County is forging ahead, crafting a future that community leaders hope will honor its history while breaking free from its dependence on extractive industries. At the center of that future is a local community college, which is helping Lincoln County residents adapt to a brave new world, building careers close to home and granting them a once elusive future in the community that raised them.

It’s a future that, according to Megan Rayome, the director of the college, is built on the premise that Lincoln County “hasn’t been left to die.”

Megan Rayome, Program Director of the Flathead Valley Community College’s Lincoln County Campus in Libby, pictured on Aug. 12, 2024. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

“It was almost like a guaranteed job,” Kathy Ness, executive director of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce, said of the logging industry in Lincoln County.

On an early summer day in the small town, Ness recounted her own journey to Eureka. 

Ness “married in” to Eureka, settling in the town with her husband who was raised there. She’s been in Eureka for 45 years, a period during which she watched the economy ebb and flow, including her husband’s now long gone career as a logger. Her children and grandchildren have largely left home, seeking jobs in bigger markets. While they’d like to come home, “There’s not a lot in Eureka,” Ness said.

After decades of strong timber markets in Montana, a confluence of local and global factors began to slow the industry’s production in Lincoln County. Overharvesting led to a downturn in timber availability on National Forest land. Economic uncertainty in the 1990s and 2000s forced fluctuations in demand. Environmental litigation shut down operations. Four mills in Lincoln County shut down between 1993 and 2005, leaving more than 500 residents without work.

Following the closure of Libby’s vermiculite mine in 1991, the county’s unemployment rate reached 29%. A decade later, after Libby’s Stimson Lumber Mill closed in 2002, unemployment hit 15.8%.

“It was very damaging to the overall psyche,” Rayome, who grew up in Libby, said.

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Rayome is the director of Flathead Valley Community College’s (FVCC) Lincoln County Campus (LCC). LCC is a satellite campus of FVCC, which for four decades has offered career training and college courses to local students. It’s a small campus, boasting seven employees who work in its sole building near downtown Libby.

As a kid, Rayome remembers when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set up shop in Libby in the late 1990s, tearing up lawns and attics in order to remove toxic asbestos. She remembers her father, a former miner, attending classes at LCC to learn computer skills in hopes of building a new career. She sometimes attended classes with him when he couldn’t find childcare.

Rayome also remembers moving to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, during her youth so that her mother could pursue a degree in nursing. While critical for her mother’s career, the move was disruptive for Rayome, who had known nothing but Libby her entire life.

“I did not enjoy that my mom moved me from my childhood home,” she said. “It’s a small town where you have the same friends and your family is all there. It was difficult for us, in a lot of different ways, for our family.”

Rayome finished high school in Idaho, then moved to Arizona for college, where she earned her bachelor’s and law degrees from Arizona State University.

While in Arizona, Rayome read about how people from rural communities who sought advanced degrees were often forced to leave home to do so, many never returning. The phenomenon, often called rural “brain drain,” stuck with her. She knew she needed to go back to Lincoln County.

After law school, Rayome returned to Libby to practice law. When LCC needed a director in 2020, she jumped at the opportunity.

Aerial view of Libby on March 19, 2024. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

Lincoln County’s first college program was born in 1979, after a group of local stakeholders identified a need for a college-level course in supervisory and management skills to meet industry needs. The coalition of local residents partnered with FVCC in Kalispell to bring a supervisory management certificate to Libby the next year. It proved so successful that the Libby Chamber of Commerce formed a committee to investigate expanding higher education.

Four years later, FVCC and the county reached an agreement to open a satellite campus in Libby. LCC classes were initially held in local high schools before the college found a home in an old school building on Mineral Avenue.

By 1987, the campus enrolled 73 full-time students, ranging from teenagers to middle-aged mothers heading back to work. According to local reporting, the campus’ “bread and butter” was non-traditional college students, including those who were looking for job changes, facing career-altering injuries or rebounding from layoffs. By 1994, enrollment had risen to 150 students.

A financial dispute between LCC and FVCC’s main campus in Kalispell nearly severed the colleges’ ties in the late 1990s, but the campuses were able to make amends.

In 2002, LCC moved to its current building, which was formerly occupied by the U.S. Forest Service.

“For the first time in the history of the LCC, we will take on the image of being a viable college in Libby and Lincoln County,” interim director George Gerard told the Daily Inter Lake at the time of the move.

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LCC Director Pat Pezzelle in 2004 made local headlines after appearing at a board meeting virtually — a rarity at the time — through the campus’s first interactive, video teleconferencing (ITV) equipment. The distance learning classroom further expanded access for rural students. It was acquired through a $350,000 grant championed by then-U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns. 

Flathead Valley Community College’s Lincoln County Campus in Libby, pictured on June 28, 2024. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

According to college leaders, LCC’s success has been grounded in a collective impact framework that designs programs from the ground up, rather than the top down. It’s a model that responds directly to industry needs, carving out degree programs with local relevance and, for graduates, long-term economic benefits. 

After the Stimson Timber layoffs in 2002, college leaders vowed to retrain Libby’s nearly 300 displaced workers.

“We have to figure out what kind of training we can provide to make these people employable,” LCC instructor and advisor Chad Shilling said at a staff meeting after the closure, according to newspaper archives. “I don’t know if they’re going to be here for the long-term commitment, but we’re going to be here to take care of their immediate needs the best we can.”

FVCC President Jane Karas said she has “lots of those kinds of stories” about locals who showed up at the college’s door jobless and left with a new career. 

Karas described one student who, before being laid off by the Owens and Hurst Mill in Eureka in the mid-2000s, had “never done anything but run logs through this mill.” After enrolling in FVCC, he completed a degree in computer science and went to work in IT. 

In 2011, the college trained its first batch of welders through a 10-week program that catered to workers who had been laid off from mining and timber jobs. The program was designed to place workers at Stinger Welding, an Arizona-based bridge building company that brought 70 jobs to Libby before its closure in 2013.

When Kalispell-based Nomad Global Communication Solutions (GCS) announced its expansion into Libby in 2022, the need for welders and machinists grew. LCC worked with the local school district to launch an evening welding class at Libby High School. In its first class, the college filled seven of eight welding booths with eager learners from all walks of life.

Through the Running Start dual enrollment program, eight Libby High School students this spring passed their 3G 3/8 Welding Qualification in a college-level course. Many said they plan to expand their skills next year in pursuit of the 6G test. 

With their welding certification, Karas said, students are filling the need for skilled workers that new industry has brought to Lincoln County.

“We focus on how to be most cost-effective, support our community and meet the needs of our students and our employers,” Karas said. 

The landscape of Lincoln County near Eureka on May 29, 2024. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

“What the college did, that is extremely important in terms of working with smaller rural communities, is to go out and establish a relationship,” Lisa Blank, executive director of workforce development for FVCC, said. “Not waiting for them to come to you, but you going out to them.”

Blank acts as the conduit between FVCC, businesses, the Montana Department of Labor and Industry, public schools and students, all of whom have a vested interest in the college’s career programs. Her job was created specifically to streamline communication between those stakeholders.

“There were lots of things going on on campus — great opportunities — but they weren’t necessarily synergistic or integrated,” Blank said. “One of the tasks that this position was given was to come up with a way to integrate the effort so that we can better leverage it for the use of students.”

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Blank sought out grants to expand LCC’s capacity in welding, commercial driving and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining following the expansions of Nomad GCS and Alpine Precision into Lincoln County. She helped to create a fully online land surveying program, which will begin this fall. She worked with the Montana Logging Association to buy a $100,000 state-of-the-art forestry simulator to prepare students for jobs in logging.

Blank says the college is the “linchpin” that holds together stakeholders in Lincoln County, but that it is not alone. Blank works closely with the Libby School District, Libby Job Service, the Department of Labor and companies in fields from healthcare to heavy machining.

“Everyone needs to be at the table,” she said. 

Tabitha Viergutz, Libby Community Officer for the LOR Foundation, and an alumna of the Libby community college, pictured in a cafe in downtown Libby on June, 28, 2024. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

For Rayome and LCC administrators, the college’s work goes beyond developing hard skills. It is an institution that breaks down many of the barriers to higher education faced by rural students. 

“Being rural is hard,” said Tabitha Viergutz, a longtime Libby resident and the local community officer for the LOR Foundation, a community development fund that works in small towns across the West.

Sitting in a combined coffee shop and carpet store in downtown Libby, Viergutz described her own arc at the college, one that brought her to her current work in the community. 

Viergutz moved to Libby 13 years ago as a nail technician. Unable to get her esthetician business off the ground, she struggled to feed her family. She decided to enroll in LCC with the goal of earning an associates degree in social work. While at the college, she took a combination of in-person and virtual classes through the ITV system, which she described as “amazing.” When LOR needed a local leader to run its Libby branch, mentors from the college tapped Viergutz. 

“I wouldn’t have gone back to college had LCC not been here,” she said. 

Viergutz’s story is common in Libby. A young mother, the idea of moving to Missoula or Kalispell for college was out of the question. The cost of full-time enrollment was daunting. So, too, was the idea of becoming a non-traditional student in a traditional classroom setting. 

Before financial aid — which, FVCC officials note, there is plenty of — a full semester of tuition and fees for an in-district student at LCC costs $2,810. Comparatively, an in-state resident at the University of Montana in the same semester will pay $4,273. At Carroll College, a private university in Helena, a semester costs $20,066 before aid. 

“When you become a resident of a small, rural area, that’s where your heart lies,” she said. “The idea of going to a large college just isn’t in the cards.”

Jayne Downey, director of the Center for Research on Rural Education at Montana State University, said that beyond being smaller and more affordable, rural colleges like LCC are able to draw on the “unique strengths and assets” of their small towns, building curriculum and preparing students for careers in a way that is rooted in specific community needs. 

“These smaller graduating classes, everybody knows everybody. You are known. You are cared for. Your academic needs can be addressed individually,” she said. “The places where our schools are situated — the communities are a wealth of knowledge and resources, of history and culture, of science and technology. It surrounds them.”

A Logger Nation flag flies in downtown Libby on Oct. 5, 2023. Credit: Hunter D’Antuono | Flathead Beacon

Viergutz is an unofficial spokesperson for the new Libby. She said the town is “changing our focus to what we have versus what we lost.”

Libby’s first brewery, Cabinet Mountain Brewing Company, just celebrated its 10th anniversary. A kickboxing studio came to town last fall. In the new Kootenai Business Park, a former Stimson Lumber facility, there’s a pickleball court and a large Nomad GCS office. Dollar General is now in Libby and Eureka. 

“I think that Libby is still very much ingrained in our history, and very much would love to see those industries come back,” Viergutz said of mining and timber. Yet, she added, there’s “a forward facing view on reality.” 

Rayome said Nomad GCS’s arrival in town “increased the upward spiral of hope.” 

“We’re seeing people not just coming in to ogle at our sadness,” Rayome said. 

Blank, FVCC’s workforce development director, said the future of LCC’s success lies not just in training workers, but in developing local leaders who can spearhead programs and help recruit a next generation. Cultivating homegrown leadership is part of the community resilience model that Blank bases her work off of. 

“We want to build leadership in these communities,” she said. “They know what they need most, and they will always know better because they live there.”

In the future, Rayome hopes to open a dedicated building at LCC for hands-on trades education. She wants to invest in new technology, revamping the college’s ITV infrastructure. Like Blank, she wants to continue to foster leaders who were born and raised in Libby — those who want to help the town move into the future. As more jobs arrive, so too will demand for restaurants, healthcare facilities, homes, schools and the workers who power them. It’s all part of the “upward spiral of hope” that she described. Though it will be challenging, Rayome said, Lincoln County will adapt to a new economic future.

“They’re doers. They believe in themselves,” she said of Libby. “It’s a community of survivors.”

The post A community college promises a rural county it ‘hasn’t been left to die’ appeared first on The Hechinger Report.

The fastest-growing college expense may not be what people think

Hear the audio version of this story, from Vermont Public.

BURLINGTON, Vt. — In his first year in graduate school at the University of Vermont, John Ball lived in a dark studio apartment in the basement of a building three miles from the campus.

With utilities, it cost him $1,500 a month — more than the national median rent.

“I just needed a place, and I was, like, OK, I’ll live anywhere, basically,” said Ball, who is working toward a doctorate in cellular, molecular and biomedical sciences. “Trying to find an apartment was a nightmare.”

Ball spoke as he was moving for the fall semester of his second year into a brand-new apartment in the first-ever housing to be built by the university for graduate students.

It’s one of a small but growing number of efforts by higher education institutions to address what has become, along with food, the fastest-growing cost of college: a place to live.

“I don’t think [students and their families] think it’s going to be as expensive as it is,” Ball’s father, Steve, said as he helped his son lug furniture and boxes into his new home, where monthly rents begin at $1,059 for a room in a three-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms. Housing prices at and near colleges, he said, have gotten “absolutely ridiculous. It’s insane.”

Like UVM, other institutions are building housing for graduate students who have previously been largely left to fend for themselves. Some, including the universities of California at Berkeley and Santa Cruz, are adding large numbers of undergraduate dorms. A few, like the University of Texas at Austin, are offering scholarships for housing.

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“When you think of an average family thinking of where to send their son or daughter, that rent-plus-food piece is getting to be a bigger chunk,” said Jay Hartzell, president of UT Austin.

Though students and their families often focus on tuition, the cost of housing is going up much faster. Annual increases in college and university tuition have been shrinking, new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond finds. Tuition actually fell, when adjusted for inflation, between 2020 and 2023, the most recent year for which the figure is available, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

But the cost of room and board rose by 14 percent more than inflation between 2010 and 2020, the College Board reports. At public universities, in-state students now pay more for room and board than for tuition.

New housing going up near the University of Vermont. The cost of housing for in-state students at public universities nationwide has passed the price of tuition. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

Undergraduates living off campus face an average of $11,464 a year in food and housing costs, which the National Center for Education Statistics groups together. Room and board for undergraduates who live in dorms on campus is an even higher $12,917.

“Tuition hasn’t been growing, but housing costs are growing,” said Jason Cohn, research associate at the Center on Education Data and Policy at the Urban Institute. “The college affordability conversation should really be moving to living expenses.”

The cost of housing isn’t just a problem for college students. Rents in general are up by 33 percent since the start of the pandemic, the real estate company Zillow says. But many cities with a preponderance of college students have higher-than-average monthly rents, including New York ($3,650 a month), Boston ($3,295) and Santa Cruz, California ($3,400).

Rents for student housing at 175 universities tracked by the real estate data analytics firm RealPage rose by 5 percent in the year ending in April .

“Many university towns and cities are experiencing the same housing issues as the rest of the country: escalating rent prices and higher costs,” said Mary DeNiro, executive director of the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, or ACUHO-I.

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In Burlington, monthly rent is $2,200 a month, according to Zillow — higher than the median, thanks in large part to an influx of highly paid remote workers who moved here during the pandemic and pushed housing prices up. Vermont is now tied for fourth place with Kentucky among states that have the lowest proportion of available rental units, behind only Massachusetts, Maine and New Jersey, according to the Census Bureau.

“There were no vacancies” in Burlington, said Alexis Roberson, a third-year doctoral student from Los Angeles who was also moving into UVM’s new graduate residence; even though financial aid completely covers her tuition, she almost deferred her admission for a year because of the cost of housing. “It was kind of a shock.”

Sophia Mokhtarian, a first-year medical student at the University of Vermont, moving into the university’s new graduate student development. Finding an affordable place to live while in grad school “was a big part of my budget-making process,” she says. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

Balloons in UVM green and gold welcomed new tenants to the 62-unit building, called Catamount Run, which the university developed in partnership with a private company. Managers handed out keys, salty snacks and Gatorade to arriving students as workers with noisy power tools on high ladders made finishing touches. The building is already fully rented.

“There was a fair demand from graduate students” for university-supplied housing, said Richard Cate, vice president for finance and administration at UVM, which hopes to nearly double its graduate enrollment.

Undergraduates are also struggling to pay for living expenses. Half of what it costs to attend a community college now goes to room and board, according to the College Board. So does 44 percent of the total amount that in-state students spend to go to public universities and nearly a quarter of what students at private, nonprofit colleges pay.

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Because of these costs, even in places where federal, state and institutional grants cover much of a student’s tuition, or tuition is free, “that doesn’t mean that college is necessarily affordable,” said Cohn, of the Urban Institute.

More than 40 percent of students who get enough grant aid that they pay zero in tuition and fees have to take out student loans to cover housing and other costs, the Urban Institute found.

“There’s just a portfolio of challenges that are facing these students,” said Justin Ortagus, director of the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Florida and co-author of another study that found high living expenses are among the reasons students drop out. “And additional financial burdens, led by housing costs and paying rent, are at the top of that list.”

A fixation on tuition, however, means that housing costs can come as a surprise, Ortagus said. “It doesn’t always go into the mental calculus of these students and their families.”

New construction near the campus of the University of Vermont. Some of the buildings in this complex are for students, faculty and staff, who face high prices for housing. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

One result is that students who can’t afford to live on or near a particular campus may enroll but then drop out, forgo college altogether or choose somewhere less desirable but cheaper, he said.

“It can blindside a lot of people. Students will end up in college and then realize that they’re rent burdened,” said Henry Taylor-Goalby, a senior at the University of California San Diego and student housing officer of the University of California Student Association.

California has among the most expensive housing in the country. A study for the state assembly found that nearly 20 percent of students at community colleges, 10 percent at California State University campuses and 5 percent at the University of California schools had experienced homelessness.

“When we’re talking about things that matter to us, it’s, ‘Oh my god, I have to start thinking about where I’m going to live next year,’ ” Taylor-Goalby said.

“Housing is a human necessity, and yet it’s the thing people try to compromise on just to get an education.”

Berkeley, where the surrounding median monthly rent is $2,685, is in the midst of doubling its number of dorm rooms, with the goal of guaranteeing two years of on-campus housing for undergraduate students, and the University of California, Santa Cruz (median monthly rent off campus: $3,400) plans to increase its bed count by 40 percent by 2030. Both initiatives have been at least partly delayed by lawsuits from neighbors, but Berkeley was cleared by the state Supreme Court in June to move ahead, and a California state law passed last year is aimed at making it harder to block new student housing.

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Yet neighborhood opposition, zoning restrictions and the escalating price of labor and materials continue to be obstacles to new dorms. While UVM’s partnership with a private developer made the public university’s graduate housing possible, for instance, it suspended plans to add housing for 545 more undergraduates on campus because of the cost.

Some universities are using other strategies. In addition to renovating a building with 778 beds for undergraduates and developing a 784-bed residence complex for graduate students, which opens this fall — its first new graduate housing in 40 years, Hartzell, the president, said — UT Austin last year started putting aside $5.8 million annually for on-campus housing scholarships of up to $1,800 per year to 3,500 students.

“I expect you’re going to see more of this on urban campuses like ours, especially where those communities are booming like Austin is,” said Hartzell.

Median monthly rent in Austin is $2,250.

Vanderbilt University in Nashville opened a new housing complex last year for graduate and professional students, but this year also increased stipends for its nearly 1,900 doctoral students, citing the city’s high cost of living; median monthly rent there is $2,299.

University of Vermont vice president for finance and administration Richard Cate outside newly opened housing for graduate students near the campus. The development is a response to high housing costs. Credit: Oliver Parini for The Hechinger Report

In Seattle (median monthly rent: $2,184), Cornish College of the Arts has started soliciting alumni contributions toward a fund to help its undergraduates pay for on-campus housing. The college previously used money from its financial aid budget to offer housing scholarships, but the demand has grown so much that more is needed, said Sharron Starling, its director of admissions. Thirty percent of students qualify for the assistance, Starling said.

Cornish is in a neighborhood where well-paid tech workers have pushed up the cost of housing, and “students can’t come if they don’t have a place to live,” she said. “That’s it, first and foremost.”

Still, the price of on-campus housing — which is firmly under universities’ and colleges’ control — is rising even faster than the cost of off-campus housing.

DeNiro, of the housing officers’ association, said this is partly because of demand for more services, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In some cases that means more staff to help with issues around mental health, anxiety, providing more ways to develop community,” she said. “For many students, they just demand more out of their college housing experience, and their parents demand more.”

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On-campus housing has other advantages, DeNiro noted, since students only have to pay for it during the academic year; that saves money when compared to the 12-month leases often required for off-campus apartments. Utilities and trash removal are included in the price, living close to classes avoids commuting costs and students who live on campus are slightly less likely to drop out, an ACUHO-I survey found.

“Proximity matters,” said Hartzell, at UT Austin. “If we chase students out to the periphery of the city [to find affordable housing], they won’t have the same experience. Some students might decide they need to build in a part-time job.” Spending time getting to and from the campus “just makes it that much harder to devote their time to their studies.”

At Vanderbilt, a study that led to more graduate housing being built found that 30 percent of graduate students lived five miles or more away from the campus.

But as colleges’ revenue from tuition thins, according to the credit-rating company Fitch, it’s revenue from housing, dining and other auxiliary services is also increasingly important to them; University of Tennessee, Knoxville head of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Robert Kelchen estimates that most small public colleges and universities depend on these sources for between 10 and 25 percent of what they take in.

In the competition for a dwindling supply of students, universities and colleges are also adding high-end amenities to campus dorms, which residents complain increase the cost.

The new graduate housing units at Vanderbilt, for instance, come with fully equipped granite-counter kitchens, “hardwood-inspired” floors, washers, dryers, a 24-hour fitness center, a coffee shop, a grocery store and an outdoor barbecue area; monthly rents range from $1,405 for a studio to $2,906 for two bedrooms with two bathrooms. A Vanderbilt spokeswoman declined to provide anyone from the university to talk about its housing.

Those kinds of expensive extras are showing up in many places, said Taylor-Goalby, the California student association housing delegate.

“There’s been a ballooning of amenities,” he said. “We get apartment-style rooms. We get full kitchens. We need student representation for people to be saying we don’t need all those things.”

Meanwhile, demand for campus housing typically exceeds supply. Dorms on public university campuses can accommodate only a third of full-time undergraduates, the Urban Institute says, and at private, nonprofit colleges, a little more than half. And first-year students often don’t have a choice; they’re required to live in the dorms. These things mean that colleges will likely fill on-campus rooms no matter what they charge.

The effect of housing costs on people’s willingness to pay for college may lead more institutions to try to moderate the price of it, however, said Ortagus, the higher education researcher.

“There’s concerns about enrollment, and I do think that is driving colleges paying attention to these dynamics,” he said.

There’s one more important pressure at play: Students are driving up housing costs for everybody else, and communities are urging universities to help them fix the problem.

In high-priced Boston, nearly 38,000 students live off campus, the city estimates, “placing significant pressure on the rental market” in the neighborhoods where they’re concentrated. Officials are pushing universities and colleges to build more on-campus dorms.

“If we pull our students out of the market and put them in our housing, there’s now more affordable housing in the rest of the city,” said Hartzell, in Austin. “By adding supply we’re actually helping the entire city.”

Students said they’d just be grateful for reasonably affordable places to live.

Housing “was a big part of my budget-making process,” said Sophia Mokhtarian, a first-year UVM medical student from San Diego, who was wheeling her luggage into Catamount Run. “This new housing definitely was a pro.”

This story about the college housing costs was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for our higher education newsletter. Listen to our higher education podcast.

The post The fastest-growing college expense may not be what people think appeared first on The Hechinger Report.

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Ithaca school officials receive racist messages after anti-affirmative action lawsuit

Editor’s note: This story contains racist and crude language.

ITHACA, N.Y. — Ithaca City School District (ICSD) superintendent Luvelle Brown and Board of Education President Sean Eversley Bradwell, who are both Black, said they received racist and threatening messages in the days after an anti-affirmative action group filed a lawsuit against the district.

The lawsuit, which garnered national news attention, alleges discrimination by the school district against white students. The lawsuit cites a poster advertising the school’s annual Students of Color United Summit, which invited students of color to attend. The school district later sent an email stating that all students were welcome to attend the event.

Bradwell first mentioned the threats during a school board meeting on June 11, which took place after a tense final budget hearing

“Some of those stories were picked up by various organizations, which resulted in significant amounts of threats to the superintendent, as well as myself,” Bradwell said. “Death threats, vulgar language, voicemails, things that would make one wonder why would you volunteer for a position [on the school board] if you’re going to have your family or your lives threatened.”

During the June 11 meeting, Bradwell said district officials had been in contact with local law enforcement regarding the threats.

In an email, Brown provided two audio recordings of voicemail messages sent in the days since May 28, when news of the lawsuit broke.

The messages appear to have been sent shortly after the story was picked up by Fox News and other national outlets on June 5, extracted metadata shows.

The caller on the first voicemail calls Brown a “racist-ass fucking n*gger.” The man also uses multiple slurs in reference to Black, Asian and gay students.

The man, who described himself only as a “concerned citizen,” threatened to have ICSD “shut the fuck down” and said Brown will be “out of a fucking job” if he has “anything to do with this.”

The caller who left the second message called Brown “another racist Negro” and made fun of his name before delivering a slew of insulting stereotypes about Black people.

Brown also cited the threatening messages as part of his rationale for not renewing his contract as superintendent beyond June 2028.

Brown described his work heading the district as “physically taxing, communally taxing, emotionally taxing, and personally taxing” adding that he had received “multiple messages of hate and threats in response to leadership decisions made with the best intentions” within the past few weeks.

The messages also came amid heightened scrutiny and local criticism of the superintendent and board members during this spring’s tumultuous school budget debate. The messages Brown provided, however, do not explicitly mention the budget and it is unclear if the two callers were local.

The Ithaca Voice filed a public records request to obtain any other threatening messages received by district personnel and school board members in the days since the lawsuit. ICSD is still working to fulfill the request.

The post Ithaca school officials receive racist messages after anti-affirmative action lawsuit appeared first on The Ithaca Voice.