Lahaina’s Large Immigrant Community Is Facing A Unique Struggle In The Fire’s Aftermath

Losing important documents is a real problem while fear and mistrust of government agencies has inhibited some from seeking aid, experts say.

Lahaina Fire Survivors Struggle To Put Lives Back Together

A steady stream of cars rolled into the devastated seaside town after authorities reopened access just before sunrise on Wednesday

A State Official Refused To Release Water For West Maui Fires Until It Was Too Late

The fight over water is nothing new on Maui. But the impact on the county’s ability to battle fires is coming clear.

Maui Faces Millions In Lost Revenue From Property That May No Longer Exist

Property tax payments are due on Aug. 21 but county officials haven’t said what their plan is for residents and businesses whose property is gone.

HECO’s Fire Response Plan Lacked A Critical Step: Shutting Down Power

The Hawaii utility has acknowledged the growing danger of wildfires and made some changes. But lawsuits are already pointing to the live power lines as a cause in Maui.

Maui’s Top Emergency Officials Were Off Island As Wildfires Hit Lahaina

Local leaders say they were caught by surprise because the scale of Tuesday’s fire was unprecedented. But the warning has been sounded for years.

Much Of Historic Lahaina Town Believed Destroyed By Overwhelming Fire

Thousands remain without power Wednesday as winds are expected to drop.

Troubling Trajectory Of Hawaii Newspapers Has ‘Deep Implications’ For Democracy

Ongoing cutbacks at local publications mean there are fewer watchdogs for the public’s interest.

Lanai Ferry Seeks Higher Ticket Fare For The First Time In 15 Years

The public can weigh in next month on whether state regulators should approve the proposed 37% increase.

Hawaii’s Clean Energy Transition Faces Steep Hurdles, Study Finds

Some industries, especially transportation, face unique challenges in weaning off fossil fuels.